Wednesday, February 27, 2013

More Snow :)

 Tried a panorama photo yesterday :)
 Got up early and took a long walk to get pictures of the trees before the snow melted off of them :)

 These were interesting because I decided to climb a neighbors deer stand in order to take them :) I'm glad I did though cause the ended up being my favorites :) Even took one with my phone :)

 Tried another panorama. I'm still trying to get the hang of it :)
 I don't really know why but I love this gate for pictures :)

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Wow! Those are some great pictures! The ones from the deer stand look like you were on a mountain looking down over the valley. :) As for that gate, perhaps it is just the rustic addition of the wheel beside it, the wooden fence posts and the trees that bring to mind something from out west. :)